Life Welcome

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Salient points

  1. Idea about Infinity
  2. Point is infinitesimally small, straight line infinitesimally large.
  3. Space, sky, nature, universe etc are some examples of infinity.

2, Origin of matter

  1. Big Bang theory with limitations. Where from such unlimited heat and energy came and how concentrated ?
  2. How is matter ever-existent ?
  • Changes — quantitative and qualitative
  1. Rules of opposites, transformation, negation of negation.
  2. Changes across the universe, chemical reactions, element and compound. Idea of simple and complex compounds.
  3. Evolution of amino acid and nucleic acid, RNA and DNA.
  4. Idea of self-replicating compound and its emergence.
  5. What is base pairing? How life is formed out of amino acid, nucleic acid and the operation of base-pairing ?
  6. How is life confronted with development of modern science and our endeavor to get it flourishing endlessly.


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